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Clik here to view.I am still partially unplugged, but, having reengaged a little. Enough to have read a few headlines, my blood-pressure to spike, and then to chuckle at something unintentionally hilarious in its entirely intended malice.
First, compare and contrast.
At Church Militant, there is a piece about how bishops in the Eastern states created a “pipeline” for seminarians from S. America who had been released because of their homosexuality. One of the dioceses implicated is Newark, where McCarrick once was and where Tobin is now.
Speaking of Tobin, the Cardinal Archbishop of Newark, according to a shocking piece at CNA, is said that not to have head of a a “gay sub-culture” there. In once sense, I could understand that, given that Tobin was a religious before he was made a bishop, and not diocesan. On the other hand, pretty much every American priest I knew, both in these USA and in Rome, knew at least about the infamous McCarrick.
Moving to “gay sub-culture”, one of its stalwart defenders, Madame Wile E. Lafarge – Michael Sean Winters, at the radically pro-homosexualist National Sodomitical Reporter (aka Fishwrap) has taken exception to the statement of Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison. Bp. Morlino has forthrightly stated that The Present Crisis in the Church is truly a problem of homosexual priests acting on their inclinations rather than strictly of pedophilia. THAT‘s the key strategy of the homsexualists and their activists: by any means possible they must separate homosexuality from pedophilia. Especially, for the truly committed homosexualists, the next hill to storm is the age of consent. Watch them repeat and repeat and repeat that what predator bishops and priests were doing was about “children” and this has nothing to do with homosexuality which, they say, is consensual. Anyway, Madame Lafarge has a new word to add to his knitting: Feenyite. Here’s what the tricoteuse dreamt up this time:
On the other hand, at the Catholic News Agency, Bishop Robert Morlino discusses what he thinks is the core issue in the clergy sex abuse crisis: “In the specific situations at hand, we are talking about deviant sexual — almost exclusively homosexual — acts by clerics. We’re also talking about homosexual propositions and abuses against seminarians and young priests by powerful priests, bishops, and cardinals. We are talking about acts and actions which are not only in violation of the sacred promises made by some, in short, sacrilege, but also are in violation of the natural moral law for all. To call it anything else would be deceitful and would only ignore the problem further.” I will resist the urge to defer to his expertise and merely note that Morlino has become a leader of the neo-Feeneyites, who wish to roll back the clock to the 1950s. It is a fool’s errand and Morlino is just the fool to lead it.
Holy cow. They must really be getting scared, to stoop that low. Then again, this is from the one who wants to sit by a guillotine and watch the people disagree with him die. Also, when you read this sort of trash from Fishwrap‘s prized writer, you are reading the position of their entire publication. MSW is Fishwrap’s chattering Id.
On the other hand, these “neo” labels are more and more amusing! Beans, on Twitter, talks about “neo-traditionalists” or “neo-jacobins” (- not sure quite what that last one means). Another guy came up with something like “neo-ultramontanists” to describe people who were resisting Pope Francis! That’s real creativity. Like the guy in the movie: “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
If Catholics are experiencing a kind of “rage mode” right now, then catholics are in “panic mode”.
Up above, what’s his face snarked about “wanting the 50’s back”, which is the laziest of the many clichés in which lib-haters regularly traffic.
Today I had the great pleasure to leaf briefly through a book about beautiful churches of Chicago. It was an eye-opener. I’ve seen a few of the better known buildings, but, frankly, I had no idea. I am now determined to have a”steeple chase” here one day, and visit more of these great temples.
Back to Madame and his snark.
In the text about Chicagoland church Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica, held by the Servites, I read that back in the 30’s – and surely this perdured through the 50’s and perhaps up through the Vatican Council (but I doubt beyond) – they had to have 38 regular services of the Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows for some 700,000 participants, “spilling out into the streets and lining up for blocks”.
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Clik here to view.Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
“Want the 50’s back?” Damn straight. I want our identity and heritage back. We knew who we were and we were building, not collapsing. On the other hand, we have far better antibiotics and indoor plumbing now, and you would not be reading this on your mobile device. (Some would say that would be better.)
15 September is Our Lady of Sorrows.
Why not have a Pontifical Mass with the intention of reparation for homosexual sins committed by clergy? How they must offend Our Lady Immaculate Heart!
Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us.